of the Pointon Parish Emergency Plan Working Group


1 Name 

The name of the Group shall be: Pointon Parish Emergency Plan Working Group

2 Aims 

The aims of the Working Group shall be to:

         a. Put in place suitable and effective procedures that provides assistance to members of Pointon Parish that helps prepare them for and during
             Emergency situations such as severe:

                  •  Flooding.

                  •  Power Outage.

                  •  Water Supply Outage.

                  •  Snow.

                  •  Storm.

        b. Help reduce the impact of future flooding in the parish through consultation with those agencies responsible for surface water management.

3 Powers 

In order to achieve their aims the Group may: 

  1. Raise Money.
  2. Open bank accounts.
  3. Take out insurance.
  4. Employ staff.
  5. Acquire and manage buildings.
  6. Organise courses and events.
  7. Work with other groups and exchange information.
  8. Do anything that is lawful which will help it to fulfill its aims.

4 Membership 

  1. Membership of the Group shall be open to any person over 18 or any organisation living or located in the Parish of Pointon area who is interested in helping the Group to achieve its aims and willing to abide by the rules of the Group. 
  2. Membership of the Group shall be subscription free.
  3. Membership shall be available to anyone without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief. 
  4. Every individual member and each organisation shall have one vote at a General Meeting. 
  5. The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the Management Committee but the member has a right to be heard by the Management Committee before a final decision is made. 

5 Management

  1. The Group shall be administered by a Management Committee of Officers and shall consist of no more than eleven members elected at the Group`s Annual General Meeting (AGM). 
  2. The eleven elected members shall nominate Officers of the Management Committee to fulfil the positions of: 

               •  Chair.

               •  Vice-Chair.

               •  Treasurer.

               •  Secretary.

  1. The Management Committee shall meet at least six times a year for the first two years then reduce the frequency to at least twice a year in future years. 
  2. The Chairperson shall Chair all meetings of the Group. 
  3. The quorum for Management Committee meetings shall be a minimum of four members. 
  4. Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by show of hands. If there is a tied vote then the Chairperson shall have a second vote.
  5. The Management Committee may by a two-thirds majority vote and for a good and proper reason remove any Committee member, provided that person has the right to be heard before a final decision is made.
  6. The Management Committee may appoint another member of the Group as a Committee member to fill a vacancy provided the maximum number is not exceeded. 

6 Duties of the Officers

  1. The duties of the Chair are to: 

•  chair meetings of the Committee and the Group.

•  represent the Group at functions/meetings that the Group has been invited to.

•  act as spokesperson for the Group when necessary.

  1. The duties of the Vice-Chair are to: 

•  take on the duties of the Chair in their absence.

  1. The duties of the Secretary are to: 

•  take and keep minutes of meetings.

•  prepare the agenda for meetings of the Committee and the Group in consultation with the Chairperson.

•  maintain the membership list.

•  deal with correspondence.

•  collect and circulate any relevant information within the Group.

  1. The duties of the Treasurer are to: 

•  supervise the financial affairs of the Group.

•  keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by the Group.

•  prepare records for public scrutiny at the AGM.

•  pursue avenues of Grant Funding in support of the Group’s aims.

7 Finance 

  1. Any money obtained by the Group shall be used only for the Group. 
  2. Any bank accounts opened for the Group shall be in the name of the Group, or until such time as this can be arranged, monies shall be held by a nominated charity such as Pointon Village Hall (Charity Number: 521860). 
  3. Where a Bank Account has been opened any cheques issued shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated official.  On-line accounts shall have payments authorised by the Treasurer and confirmed by one other nominated official.

8 Annual General Meeting 

  1. The Group shall hold an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) in the month of April.
  2. All members shall be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the A.G.M. and shall be entitled to attend and vote. The quorum for an AGM shall be ten registered members.
  3. The business of the A.G.M. shall include: 

•  receiving a report from the Chair on the Group`s activities over the year.

•  receiving a report from the Treasurer on the finances of the Group 

•  electing a new Management Committee and 

•  considering any other matter as may be decided. 

9 Special General Meeting 

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or by any three members to discuss an urgent matter. The Secretary shall give all members fourteen days’ notice of any Special General Meeting together with notice of the business to be discussed. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote. 

10 Alterations to the Constitution 

Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at any General or Special General Meeting. 

11 Dissolution 

The Group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of those members present and voting at any General or Special General Meeting. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to another Group with similar aims.  If no similar Group can be identified all monies shall be given to Pointon Parish Council.

This constitution was adopted at a general meeting of the Group on:  Yet to be Approved. 

Signed by: 

                                Chair:                    ________________________________________

                                                                                                                      Sarah Hobbs

                                Vice-Chair:          _________________________________________ 

                                                                                                                Gaye Somerville

                                Secretary:            _________________________________________ 

                                                                                                                  Andrew Ramm

                                Treasurer:            _________________________________________ 

                                                                                                           Georgina Harwood


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